Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Vegan Drinks Philly 5.26.10!

Date: Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Time: 8:00pm - 11:00pm
Location: Sugar Mom's
Street: 225 Church St.
City/Town: Philadelphia, PA

Vegans, vegetarians, veg-curious!

Please attend Vegan Drinks Philly on 5.26 at our newest venue, Sugar Mom's in Old City! VDP is a great way to connect with like-minded individuals and get involved with the great work many animal activists are doing here in Philadelphia. It's also a great way to introduce non-vegans to a compassionate lifestyle by showing them how much fun it is to be a vegan! Don't miss out on this event at this awesome new location and bring as many friends as you can.


Thanks to every who attended the past three VDP events, as we collectively raised a total of $625 to support Chenoa Manor farm animal sanctuary in Avondale, PA. This money will be used to help cover the $200,000 barn restoration expense.

Please join Peace Advocacy Network this Saturday, May 15th from 1-4 PM on 6th St. between Chestnut and Market in support of a ban on horse-drawn carriages. Help us make it clear that we will not rest until ALL carriages are off the streets!

Make sure you know when the next event is by subscribing. Your email will only be used for and by Vegan Drinks Philly.Subscribe to Vegan Drinks Philly by Email