Greeting everyone!
Vegan Drinks Philly is now only one week away and will be held again at Horizons (611 S. 7th St) on 5.18.09 from 5:30 to 9:30 pm!
There are a couple of exciting updates for this event. First and foremost, be sure and spread the word to all vegans, vegetarians, and veg-curious who may be interested in attending as it looks like the confirmations via Facebook are a bit on the low side as of right now. I realize not everyone has Facebook and you are not required to RSVP, but it does give us a good estimate of how many people will be attending. That being said, Horizons just remodeled the downstairs lounge area, so it would be great if we could get enough people out to be able to open both floors once again to see how awesome it is!
I am pleased to announce that there will be yet another musical guest this month. Hoagy Wing, of the band Slo-Mo, will grace us with his musical talents! Hoagy is an awesome percussionist and it's bound to be quite a treat for us to have him perform.
In other news, Vegan Drinks Philly was featured in the latest VegNews on page 63 in an ad that highlights Vegan Drinks events around the country. It really has become quite a grass-roots phenomenon. As the ad says, we are sweeping the nation one martini at a time ;)
Vegan Drinks Philly was also a topic for discussion on the latest episode of Vegan Radio. I joined Scott and Derek live on the air to speak candidly about topics ranging from Vegan Drinks Philly to Vrapple! There was also talk of a possible hookup between Vegan Drinks Philly and the Vegan Bus project this summer, I'll keep you posted!
Stay tuned for any last minute updates that may occur. Also, don't forget to help spread the word in any way you can so we can continue the make Vegan Drinks Philly bigger and better! I have included a copy of the flyer for this event, so please post it anywhere you can. This will do a great deal of help to get people out and the week before an event is the best time to post it!
Thanks for all of your continued enthusiasm and support for Vegan Drinks Philly and I hope it is serving it's purpose to connect each other with like-minded individuals and encourage us to take ACTION!
Living without exploiting,
-Ed Coffin
"Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results." -Andrew Carnegie
5.13.09: Arrival of the "Cruelest Show on Earth"! Show your support by joining fellow activists at the opening night of Ringling Brothers Circus of horrors. For more info, or to get involved with other circus dates please visit the Animal Activists of Philly meetup calander.
5.18.09: Veggie Pride Parade NYC! Join the second annual Veggie Pride Parade for a day full of exciting fun and help to spread awareness about veganism. Did I mention I will be playing the role of Penelo Pea Pod? You have to come just to see that!
P.S. You are highly encouraged to click the link below to sign up to receive these updates via email if you haven't done so already. This will ensure that you will be aware of the next event.
P.P.S. Let's not forget that the lovely staff over at Horizons are volunteering to come in on their days off to staff the event for us. Let's be sure we show them our appreciation by making it worth their while if you know what I mean ;)
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